Can Badminton Shoes Be Used For Gym?

gym with badminton shoes

I was thinking of playing badminton after I finish going to the gym. Before that, I sat and decide if I should wear my badminton shoes to the gym, so I didn’t have to change shoes. I couldn’t think of any bad reasons why badminton shoes aren’t good for the gym. This led me to search for answer and here is what I have stumbled across…

Badminton shoes can be used for the gym because they are light, flexible, and have thin and flat soles. There is a catch to this, there are also bad reasons to use badminton shoes for the gym. Read on to find out why…

These answers are written assuming that you are going to the gym for weight lighting, not running on treadmill.

Good Reasons For Gym

Badminton shoes are very versatile in terms of court games but they can also be used for the gym if you want to. Like I mentioned, badminton shoes are light, flexible, and have thin and flat soles which make them good for the gym. Furthermore, the way badminton shoes are designed is also suitable for the gym.


Badminton is a fast sport that requires a lot of quick movements in various directions. Badminton shoes are made to be light because you cannot let your shoes drag your speed down.

These shoes are usually between 250 grams to 330 grams. Being light will not really benefit you in the gym. I don’t know about you but I’d rather walk around with lighter shoes.


Being flexible is another trait that you find in badminton shoes. There are so many types of movements in badminton and every movement will likely have your feet shaped differently. Your shoes need to be flexible so they can form into your feet shape as fast as possible when you make a move.

You might be wondering how does this translate to the gym? Well… it really does not benefit you in the gym having shoes that are flexible but it is also not a bad thing. In fact, this is good for some exercises such as calf raises and burpees.

Thin Soles

Now, this is where it is GREAT for weight lifting, especially big lifts like the squat and deadlift. Badminton shoes have thin soles to really let you feel the ground and do explosive movements better. This is exactly what you want when you are weight lifting, really feel the ground, and be explosive.

Additionally, having thin soles can also make your balance better between your big toe, little toe, and heel. That’s because you can feel more of the ground compared to shoes with thicker soles. This is one reason why you see some people deadlifting or squatting barefoot along with my next point.

Flat Soles

When it comes to lighting, this is a personal preference. Some people will prefer a flat and some people will prefer heeled soles. Proper Olympic weight lighting shoes have slightly heeled shoes made of tough leather.

That being said, flat shoes can benefit some low bar squatters. If they were to wear heel shoes for low bar squat, they might feel like they are being pushed forward which feels like a totally different exercise. This could lead to back injuries.

On the other hand, using a flat shoes for low bar squat can get you into a better position, especially for the safety of your back.


Let’s talk about that design… badminton shoes are designed for great airflow and ankle movements. This means that if you were to wear them to the gym, you will not have to worry that your feet are going to be sweaty or stinky, thanks to the breathability of these shoes. Additionally, these shoes allow your ankles to move freely, this is great for squat.

Bad Reasons For The Gym

There are, however, 2 reasons why you should not use your badminton shoes for the gym. Badminton shoes (a good pair) can be expensive and they wear out quickly if you are always using them.


Badminton shoes aren’t exactly cheap if you were to buy a good pair. They can cost anywhere from $70 to $200, which is quite a bit of money. If you want to wear badminton shoes to the gym, make sure they are on the lower end so it won’t cost you too much money to replace them. This links directly to my second point.

Shoes Wearing Out

The soles of badminton shoes are made of soft and thin gum rubber. They can wear out quickly if you are using them more often. Furthermore, badminton shoes are like strings on a badminton racket, they have elasticity. Over time, the elasticity will fade and your shoes will start to get loose.

Once it is loose, you will have to change a new pair if you want to continue playing badminton at your maximum potential and do it safely. Try to only use your badminton shoes for what it is intended if you want to prolong their lifespan.

Here is an article for why badminton shoes should be tight.

Will I get injured?

You will most likely not get injured wearing badminton shoes for lift weights in the gym. The most common reason why people get injured is because of bad form. As long as you have good form when performing the exercises, your chances of injuries will be low. Badminton shoes will not play a role in that.

What Shoes Should I Wear?

If you don’t want to buy a new pair of badminton shoes so soon or you have an expensive pair, it’s a good idea to invest a little money in cheaper shoes. Ideally, not running shoes because they are not that great for weight lifting.

But if you insist on wearing badminton shoes to the gym, get a budget pair. I can totally understand your decision since badminton shoes pretty decent for weight lifting.


To conclude, badminton shoes can be used for the gym if don’t mind replacing them more often. In fact, they do come with features and traits that are decent for weight lifting. The only downfall is they can wear out pretty quickly if you wear them often.

Replacing badminton shoes can be expensive if you want a good pair. Hence, I recommend you to get a cheap pair if you really want to lift weights in them for whatever reason.

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