Playing badminton with badminton shoes

How Long Do Badminton Shoes Last?

How long a pair of badminton shoes will last depends on various factors. They include things such as:

1. Your activity level
2. Type of court
3. When you wear them
4. Your play style
5. Quality of your shoes

Badminton shoes making a difference

Do Badminton Shoes Make A Difference?

As you know… badminton is a game where you need accuracy, precision speed. Moreover, it is also very intense and can get you injured if you are not using the right techniques or gears.

Tight badminton shoes

Should Badminton Shoes Be Tight?

Buying badminton shoes for the first time can be tricky. Every badminton shoe you try on, feels tight and you wonder if they are supposed to be like that.

Badminton shoes for volleyball

Are Badminton Shoes Good for Volleyball?

To answer this question, we first have to take a look at each of their playing styles.

Volleyball and badminton are very similar given that they are both play on indoor synthetic or wooden courts.

badminton action on court with the right shoes

Which Badminton Shoes Should I Buy?

Considering which badminton shoes you should buy can get quite overwhelming. There are so many different badminton shoes out there. Ranging from cheap to expensive and from brands to brands.

top 5 highest quality badminton shoes

Top 5 Badminton Shoes (Highest Quality)

Are you on the market for a pair of quality badminton shoes? Look no further, here are the top 5 badminton shoes you can get with the best quality. This is in no particular order, they are all super high quality badminton shoes.

running with badminton shoes

Are Badminton Shoes Good For Running?

You will be surprised how many people ask me if badminton shoes are good for running… This question is more common than you think, especially for beginners that just started playing badminton.

Best Budget Badminton Shoes

Best Budget Badminton Shoes [Value For Money]: Mishansha Badminton Shoes

According to Amazon, this is one of the best budget badminton shoes you can get on the market right now. Mishansha might be be a little of an unknown company, especially when it comes to badminton shoes, but you should really put them on your radar, they are a hidden gem for those on a budget and still want a great pair of badminton shoes.